Virtues of Sawm


In this class we had presentation on virtues in Salah, Sawm, Zakat and Hajj. Our group were assigned the topic of Sawm (Fasting). We were given a deep insight on the importance of  learning the virtues of fasting in an effort to understand the signifcance of the holy month of Ramadhan. Some of the virtues include:-

1. Tazkiyah (تَزْكِيَة‎) - Spiritual purification.

2. Rahmah (رَحْمَة‎) - Compassion and empathy for the poor.

3. Taqwa (تَقْوَى‎) - God-consciousness and piety. 

4. Nafs (نَفْس‎) - Self-discipline and control of the self.

5. Sadaqah (صَدَقَة‎) - Increased charity and generosity.

6. Sabr (صَبْر‎) - Patience and perseverance.

7. Ukhuwah (أُخُوَّة‎) - Brotherhood and unity.

This presentation has allowed all of us to encapsulate the comprehensive benefits and virtues of fasting during Ramadan in Islam.
