Quran: A Guidance for Humanity


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The Quran promotes equality and unity among all people :-

- The verse "this guidance is for all people" is not just for Muslims
- Standing together in prayer reinforces the idea that all human beings are equal
- The Quran eradicates racism, tribalism, nationalism, and egotism
- Muslims should avoid making fun of other nationalities or looking down on them
- The Quran distinguishes between right and wrong and is a guide for all people.

- The Quran eradicates racism, nationalism, tribalism, and egotism.
- The Quran unites people of different ethnicities and languages in prayer.
- The Quran contains miracles that prove it is the word of Allah.
- The Quran distinguishes between right and wrong.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of internalizing the teachings of the Quran and                 embodying them in one's actions.
