In this class we had a class on the definition of nature and environment. We were given an deep insight on the importance of  appreciating nature and the environment as they are the great creations of Allah S.W.T. Some of the importances include :-

                1. Regulating the climate

                2. Providing access to clean water

                3. Improving erosion . flood. and storm resilience

                4. Providing food security

                5. Sustaining livelihoods by supporting our psychological health and preventing

                    zoonotic pandemics

There were also some methods given in order to appreciate the nature with our very best.

                1. Identifying plants

                2. Listening to bird calls

                3. Taking photos of flowers


Surah al-Hajj [22;64]

Surah al-Rum [30:41]

Both of the following verses highlights that nature is Allah's creation and owned by Him alone. Humans are only taking care of them temporarily and cannot use these resources beyond the limit. They also pinpoint on the fact that damage that occurs on land and sea are caused by the actions of humans themselves through extreme extortion of national treasures. Thus, we must always be diligent and responsible in taking care of the nature and the environment. 
